Shri Manoj Chhajed
Shri Mukesh Chhajed

Being the founders of siddhi Foundation embarked a unique opportunity upon us and the world. It allowed us to dream and create a vision for what we think a foundation should look like and how it should operate without any constraints. We were able to establish the values that have personal meaning to us and give back to society which is the noble duty of every citizen. We are proud of to see the growth of Siddhi Foundation since the last 15 years and wish for the legacy to continue.
Although we didn’t know if the dream would come true, we believed it would. We believed that with the right team, we could create a beautiful foundation with a culture that keeps our people engaged and joyful. We also realized that achieving the vision to the fullest would be a journey that would never end, because Siddhi Foundation is alive and will continue to develop

Meet The Team
Smt Shantabai Madanlalji Chhajed

सप्रेम श्री जय जिनेंद्र…

      “रक्तदान शिबीर” के बारेमें मेरे दिल की एक बात बताना चाहती हूँ ,मैं शांताबाई मदनलालजी छाजेड मेरे पती स्वर्गीय “श्री.मदनलालजी छाजेड” इनके स्मृति दिन हर साल” सिद्धिग्रुप” से रक्तदान का महान कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया जाता हैं!

रक्तदान जैन धर्म में बहोत बडा महत्व हैं! और रक्तदान इस शब्दमें हि सब कुछ आया हैं! करेंगे दान रक्तके, नाते जोडेंगे इन्सानियत के नातेसे! इसी तरह इस महान रक्तदान कार्यक्रमको मेरी दिलसे हार्दिक हार्दिक बधाई और साथमें शुभ आशिर्वाद! ओर मैं इतना हि कहूँगी कि इतने कडक धुपकालें मैं इस महान रक्तदान शिबीर का आयोजन बड़े धुम-धाम से “सिद्धि ग्रुप” ओर उनके सभी मित्र परिवारसे होता हैं! ओर बडा कार्य से पितृप्रेम स्मृतिको मिलता है बडा उजाला!

इसलिये इस महान कार्यक्रमको दूर-दूरसे मित्र परिवार इकठ्ठा होते हैं! सिद्धि ग्रुप कि तरफ से मैं इतना हि कहूँगी कि ऐसाही महान रक्तदान हरसाल करे! में आप सभी का तहे दिलसे हार्दिक-हार्दिक अभिनंदन करती हूँ! ओर इसी महान रक्तदान शिबीर को आये हुए रक्तदाता ओर मित्र परिवार को मेरी हार्दिक बधाई देती हूँ!

जय जिनेंद्र |

Five Reasons Why You Should Donate Blood
Development of new red blood cells
Within the first 48 hours of blood donation, the donor's body starts replenishing the lost red blood cells. The replenishment process helps in staying healthy and productive at work.
Reducing risk of heart disease
As per several studies and reports, when there is a rise in the iron level in blood, it raises the chances of heart diseases. People should donate blood from time to time in order to reduce the iron level in the blood.
Burn calories
Donating blood can burn approximately 650 calories for each pint, like 450 ml of blood.
Free blood test
On donating blood, the donor receives a free mini health screening and blood tests
How often can one donate blood
The minimum time advised between two donations is 3 months. This gap helps bloodregain the normal haemoglobin count.